Little Ossipee Lake (LOL) is a 557 acre pond located in Waterboro, Maine. The spring-fed lake has a perimeter of 12.7 miles, average depth of 21 feet, and a maximum depth of 74 feet. The lake empties into Lake Arrowhead via the dam on Chadbourne Ridge Road in North Waterboro.
Water Level:
The dam, located on Chadbourne Ridge Road in North Waterboro, is used to control the level of the lake.
The gates are opened on October 15th to begin the draw-down to winter level 4’6″, and are closed shortly after ice-out to reach summer level 6’6″. Every fifth year, e.g. 2010, 2015, 2020, etc., the gates are opened on October 1st with intent to draw down to 3′. This gives residents additional time and access to work on shoreline erosion control projects once they have obtained the necessary permitting and approvals. For permits and approvals, please contact the Waterboro Code Enforcement Officer and Maine DEP.
The dam is owned and maintained by the Town of Waterboro. OSSIPEE LAKE WATER LEVEL MANAGEMENT POLICY has been determined by the Selectmen and is maintained by a Town appointed authority
Water Quality:
Since 1977, our association has collected valuable water monitoring data in conjunction with the Volunteer Lake Monitoring Program (VLMP) and the Maine Department of Environmental Protection. Water samples are drawn from the deepest part of the lake every 2 weeks from April through October.
Secchi Disc Transparencies are a direct measure of the water clarity and an indirect measure of algal growth. Unless a lake is highly colored or turbid from suspended sediment, transparency readings of 2 meters or less generally indicate a severe algal bloom according to the 2006 Maine Lakes Report. Little Ossipee Lake transparency readings are typically between 6.0 and 7.9 with occasional readings above 9.0 meters. Basic chemical information includes water temperature and dissolved oxygen measurements at every meter down to 20 meters. Water samples are also submitted for Total Phosphorus and Chlorophyll-a monitoring.
Test results continue to show the water quality of Little Ossipee Lake to be excellent and the potential for nuisance algal blooms is considered to be low. For additional information contact the Maine VLMP.
There are two swimming locations available to the public. One is at Gobeil Park on Rte 5. The other is via the Bob Fay Memorial Park off Webber Road.
Boat Access
A boat launch accessed via Gobeil Park on Rte 5 is available to the public. All motorized vessels must have current registration and required stickers. All are reminded to inspect their boats prior to launch and remove any traces of vegetation to prevent the spread of invasive plants which may have been carried from other locations.
Public swimming and non-motorized small boat launching is available via the Bob Fay Memorial Park off Webber Road.
All are reminded to observe Maine’s boating laws, common sense and common courtesy, keeping SAFETY FIRST.
Boating Laws & Rules
A wide variety of cold and warm water fish may be found in Little Ossipee. Among them are perch, pickerel, sunfish, large & small mouth bass, trout, and more!